Rainbow Shoppes is an attractive and convenient neighborhood center located at 120th Avenue and Melody Drive. Catering to select needs in health, finance, and personal necessities from the current tenants lends to this center a unique opportunity for those wanting a cohesive business environment for their customers.
Close proximity and access to I-25.

Average Traffic Count (2002)*
West 120th Avenue at Huron Street – 54,583 CPD
Area Demographics (2004)*
Estimated Average Population
11,210 – 1 mile; 104,110 – 3 miles; 253,128 – 5 miles
Estimated Average HH Income
$57,274 – 1 mile; $76,176 – 3 miles; $73,982 – 5 miles
PROPerty details
Rate: $13.00 psf
NNN: $7.82 psf
Additional Property Photos
Tim Hakes
720-880-2923 direct
720-352-9457 cell
Information contained herein, while not guaranteed, is from sources believed reliable. Price, terms, and information subject to change.